Saturday, September 28, 2013

Tshechu, Business and Gambling –A New Cultural Evolution

Lingmithang Tshechu, Mongar
Tshechu is a grant religious event performed in many different parts of the country in different times. During the Tshechus, various mask dances are performed by the monks, Gomchens and locals with the purpose to receive blessings, gain merit and washed away sins. According to some history, Tshechus were existed since 7th century during the time of Ugyen Guru Rinpoche to mainly teach Mahayana Buddhism in a form of demonstration. in such occasions, it also gives opportunity for Bhutanese to showcase some of the most beautiful Bhutanese arts and paintings during Tshechus.  
Business at L\thang Tshechu, Mongar
Well, Tshechu doesn't end with one sole purpose, there are some other events being organized along with Tshechus. Especially in the east, since there are lots of Gomdeys, Tshechus are common in every village.Simple small businesses are being set up in every Tshechus to get advantage of huge gathering. In some occasion, there are hundreds of business stalls being set up and captured the crowed more than the Tshechu. I have also seen, some Tshechu Grounds are left almost empty because people are more interested in other entertainment like games and fun events.  

At Mongar Tshechu, 2012
Now, the serious one seems to be the gambling. Though it is not considered as gambling legally, I came across lot of people during Tshechu who lost lot of money in playing. Some even lost over hundred thousand.  During Mongar Tshechu Last year, I came across group of tourists who asked me about banned of Gambling in Bhutan. One of the tourists told me, how can they do open gambling when it is banned legally. I didn’t have words to say anything at instant, but later just said that we have our own definition of gambling.

My concern is neither to promote nor to restrict any of the events, but about the very principle of such events. Now the question is, is it concerning that we need to do something or we all can accept as one of the acceptable Cultural Evolution  

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Election and its side affects

Election Campaign at Tsakaling
Election:I wanted to write this article long ago, but I was just waiting for the right time. Now, everything seems cool and I assume that it might not hurt anyone. While the nation was heading towards the 2nd Parliamentary Election (2013 Parliamentary Election), I was taking part in it for the first time. Until then, the rumors and stories of the past election was just a natural gossip and two own brothers became enemy after the 1st Parliamentary Election was like a fairy tale for me. However this election dragged me and I could not avoid from taking part in it.
When internationally, it is believed that Democracy is the best form of Government, I feet that it is also contradicting severely with some of our values of social relationships.  Easier said than done, everyone says, vote is a secret one and one should not have any hard feelings for liking one party or the other. But the fact is how many of us can resists someone saying bad to the one you like? Everyone knows each other to whom they will vote for.  Election Campaign became as if it is to defame one party rather than focusing their own plans and policies/pledges. 
Thanks to God, for those family, close relatives and friends who were supporting the same party but it was a disaster for those groups who were supporting different party among them. some superior among the families, relatives and friends were trying to influence them toward the party they prefer. But this wasn't tolerable to many and thus occurred misunderstands among the closed once. Some were also even warned by family and close relatives from not cooperating with them saying that they will not render any support in time of emergencies. But some of them did not listen while some were reluctantly had to vote or filled the ballot.
Poll Day, Primary Round
The story doesn't end even after the vote. The cold war is still going on especially in the villages. They are divided and trying to pull down each other. Recently I came across two small cases in some of the villages, accusing one another. They just want that simple issues to magnify, and I as far as I know it can easily be avoided. While talking to them, it appeared to me that they are divided themselves into two political parties, I found it very dangerous, because this small issues was likely face heavy penalty among them and none of them are going to benefit anything from it. 

I also have similar story, even I was dragged in and I couldn't avoid either but had to play politics in my own little way. I received various warning from my close once and not so close in the form of advice and some in the form of request. Some even tried to emotionally blackmail me while some with the threatening words. The best way was to act innocent and ignorant. But being ignorant was more difficult being a journalist. It was indeed a most difficult challenges i ever faced.
But the question is, after having all such troubles, who is going to win? I can’t see win- win case here in anyways.

realize that the job of a Journalists is something that you really need to be someone like a Buddha. Yes, I voted for one, but I have never compromised my journalistic ethics at work at all times.I am just wondering what would be the situation like in 2018???